From the Parents 

“Before our child went to study abroad, he was enrolled at a regular school in Beijing. There were no other unique advantages offered at this school other than the English classes. My son’s teachers and peers all recognized him as an outstanding student, but I became immediately concerned when my child received poor examination scores. I knew something different had to be done for our son.

Hoping to start over again, my husband and I sent our son to an American, private Catholic school. We are really pleased with how much our son has progressed, and he now has a renewed sense of self-confidence in himself.

Our son has attended the same school for the past 4 years due to the excellent marks he has received there. Along with a few other chosen honors students, our son, with his excellent school record, was the only Chinese student selected to dine with the school’s principal that year. My son is currently involved in two sports clubs and has participated in the student elections at the school.

We are thankful for the Management Program that we had chosen for our son. He can now confidently look towards the direction of the sun and be full of gratitude for his experiences.” 



"My child is one of my biggest concerns. Due to my busy career, I am unable to carefully follow up on my son’s education and discipline. I am worried that growing up without the consistent discipline and care of an adult’s supervision may lead to unnecessary, reckless behavior, an unhealthy diet, and a poor performance at school and with his peers.

 When I found out my son got into a fight at school, I decided to send him to study in America. I looked through Edu-inno’s services and chose the (Study Abroad Escort Program) for my child.

He has been abroad for 3 months and is doing very well. He has a great homestay family that watches over him as he studies, eats, and rests. Edu-inno’s feedback system has been great at keeping me informed of my child’s academic progress. I am happy that my son is doing well, and thankful for the peace of mind this program has helped me gain."



From the Students

"Since failing my examination, my father decided to send me back to America. I had been to the United States for a 3-Week Winter Study Program, and I had enjoyed the learning environment very much and looked forward to my father’s decision to send me back.I was 9-years-old and my older brother was 10-years-old when we went back to American to study. It has been over a year now, and although our grades are not perfect, we are working hard to become better students.

Having left my grandparents and father and mother in China, I was worried about my new home and my teachers at my new school. My worries quickly disappeared as I found myself being warmly welcomed at my new home and school.”